Tuesday, October 18, 2011



WE THE PEOPLE have come together in cities all across America to form a movement that has come to be known as Occupy Wall Street. Our goal is to restore the roll of Government to the primacy of the concerns and wishes of the Citizens of these United States.

       We demand nothing more then a return to the principles and ideals laid out in the United States Constitution.  We have drifted far from the Supreme Law of the United States of America and now find our Government infiltrated by the criminal banking elite, hijacked by obscene, corporate influences and no longer responsive to the will of the People.
Thomas Jefferson best illustrated the essential nature and purpose of our Constitutional form of Government when he wrote;                                                                 
                                                    "The two enemies of the people are criminals and government 
                                                     so let us tie the second down with the chains of Constitution 
                                                     so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
      The Occupy Wall Street Manifesto is a living document and not intended as a finite list of demands, but rather a proclamation of the awakening of the Second American Revolution.

    For every man and woman gathering in the streets, thousands more stand in solidarity all across this land. Every day more awakening to the call.  We represent to vast majority in all ages, hues and religions that embodies the American Experience.  The mainstream media, in its role to protect and preserve the status-quo, will attempt to portray us as malcontents, naive liberals and slackers. The police will try to disrupt and provoke.  Let us not forget that we are all Americans, united in our struggle for liberty and to live the words of our founders.  Words that carry warnings of how freedoms are lost as well as a framework for establishing them. These words written over two centuries ago are now entwined within the DNA of us all. As the police come to understand that their pension funds and retirement accounts have been raided by the very powers who's interest they protect, that their future and ours and that of their childern are one, then they too will form ranks beside us. The talking heads on the nightly news will hold no sway in the face of the rude truth laid bare.

The Tree of Liberty Must be Refreshed From Time to Time with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants. Thomas. Jefferson

No Permit Required
        Our wish is to gather peacefully to demand change and debate ideas, but we will not be ignored, we will not be turned away, we will not go home.  This historic moment has been thrust upon us and the world is watching. Yet the timing could not be more  prescient.  We stand at the precipice of currency collapse on a global scale while the ruling elite seek to concentrate wealth and power. We have seen our savings and purchasing power decimated, our quality of life diminished, our futures undermined with debt, our rights as sovereigns  made conditional even revocable. Change is coming. America is on the cusp of a new paradigm. As a nation, disinthralled by corporate greed, conscious of Government's deceit and wise to the Ponzi scheme that is our financial system, we have found our voice. 

     Across all generations, we have taken up the mantle to bring about a new day in which justice and democratic freedoms replace hypocrisy, greed and corruption of the unresponsive Government that now threatens the future, silences our voices and perverts our will.  We will succeed by any means necessary.

The more there are riots, the more repressive action will take place, and the more we face the danger of a right-wing takeover and eventually a fascist society.

                                     OCCUPY WALL STREET MANIFESTO

      We hereby proclaim that WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, in recognition of our Rights as Sovereign Citizens and with full knowledge of our great history and the power of our Republic, today stand together in cities and towns all across America to take back our representative form of government that derives its just powers by the consent of the governed. For it is incumbent upon us, as our absolute right and our duty, to alter or abolish our system of government when it grows corrupt and unresponsive to the People. 

        By consent, demonstrated by the men and women of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, together with tens of millions of Citizens that lend support to this call for reform; we hereby proclaim that the time has come to purge and to realign our Governmental Systems away from capitulation and influence by powerful financial institutions and the industries of perpetual war. We call for an end to the entrenched and anti-democratic forces of the Special Interests that pervade our halls of Congress and subvert, with their unlimited resources, our will to self-determination. We demand reform of the reckless Federal Reserve and its destructive policy of endless deficits and devaluation that have impoverished us as a nation and brought us to this critical juncture in our history. 

      By consent, demonstrated by the men and women of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, together with tens of millions of Citizens that lend support to this call for reform; we hereby proclaim that the time has come to purge and to realign our Governmental Systems away from capitulation and influence by powerful financial institutions and the industries of perpetual war. We call for an end to the entrenched and anti-democratic forces of the Special Interests that pervade our halls of Congress and subvert, with their unlimited resources, our will to self-determination. No longer will our collective intelligence be insulted nor our Sovereign liberties curtailed by such Orwellian laws as the Patriot Act and the Citizens United ruling nor any unconstitutional dictum that attempts to undermine or subvert our dignity as citizens and voters. We demand from government recognition of and servility to our Natural Freedoms and unalienable rights, that no laws grant nor limit and that no corporate entities may possess. 

      We demand reform of the reckless Federal Reserve and its destructive policy of endless deficits and devaluation that have impoverished us as a nation and brought us to this critical juncture in our history. 

Among the following we seek immediate redress and reform; 


          "The money powers prey upon the nation in  times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes." - Abraham Lincoln
         Our Government has been bought and sold by the coercive monopolies of the banking cartels.  Beholden to the banks and Wall Street's elite, the Office of the President, be it held by Republican or Democrat, has been unable to defy their power and influence.  Presidents Obama's, top ten campaign contributors in 2008 and again in 2012 are PACs from; Goldman Sachs,  J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup.  Mitt Romney's top campaign contributors are; Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase.  The list is similar for the other frontrunners and this is noting new.* This collusion among the banks makes the elections outcome irrelevant.  It ensures financial regulations and laws, promulgated to bar monopolies, anti-competitive behavior,  and unfair business practices will never be enforced. Instead, scandal and corruption are now the norm, with greed codified into law.
*except Ron Paul who has not taken PAC money.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."  Benito Mussolini

    The System is broken. Power is concentrated.  New laws cannot be the answer.  The Sherman Act, Volcker Rule, Sarbanes-oxly, Dodd-Frank and others, some of these financial regulation have existed for decades, yet go unenforced. If such laws were made binding, much of the abuse would end. But it will not end, it cannot end, until the citizens of this country take back power, decentralize the banks, unseat Wall Street and banking oligarchs and reassert our political will.   

     Subjugated  by the bankers, the tax payer shoulders their burden. Freed from risk constants by assurance of Government bailouts, infused with unlimited funds from the Fed - interest fee, these Wall Street and banking institutions, operating above the law and thwart a free, self-correcting market.  None among the banking elite were ever prosecuted for the financial crisis or the mortgage crisis that cost taxpayers trillions. They invest only for their own enrichment with little regard for risk. Co-dependent upon Government and the Federal Reserve, favored over the tax-paying public, when these bank’s reckless speculation and subversive, market manipulation threaten global stability with their own insolvency, the Government steps in, their bad bets are covered and we pay the price.

Decreed too big to fail, henceforth these banks will be deemed too big to bail.

           “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” - Henry Ford

  • The Federal Reserve can no longer operate within its own mandate to stabilize the dollar. Trapped by its own internal dysfunction and a flawed, fiat monetary system, the Fed is compelled to institutionalize permanent, low-interest rates and dollar depreciation via an ever expanding money supply as a consequence of the shear size of our National Debt. Its policy of obfuscation and mixed messaging further erodes confidence in the worlds reserve currency. Perpetual low-interest rates and inflation discourages saving, results in world-wide commodity price increases and more and more debt.  

The Fed will be brought to account by a full audit of all its transactions to date both foreign and domestic.  All future actions will be made transparent and accountable to the American People.  Or the institution shall be abolished.

  • The Federal Deficit; We have become the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. An untenable and unsustainable burden brought about over years of reckless government spending.  This crippling debt has surpassed $15 trillion. We stand at the precipice of a dollar collapse that imperils our future as a nation and shackles the dreams our children. A Constitutional Amendment prohibiting deficit spending except under certain limited conditions will be ratified and repudiation of the Keynesian Model of economic theory that legitimizes the Government’s fiscal policies shall be instituted.

  • War; On at least 125 occasions, a President has acted without prior express military authorization from Congress.  Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution will govern all military action including the current foreign wars. Congress shall legitimize these Middle East Wars with a Declaration of War and provide funding for said wars through the levying of a War Tax.  Barring this, these wars shall be brought to an immediate cessation.


     "Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." —Abraham Lincoln
         Strict limits and oversight shall be codified into law barring the corrosive influence on Congress by heavily funded, lobbying campaigns of corporations, banking institutions and special interests.

  • Militarism; Afghanistan war cost $12 million an hour to support. (add your demands)

  • Respect for Private Property and the Environment;

 (add your demands)

  • Democratic Reforms;

 (add your demands)

  • Individual freedoms; "When men entered into a State they yielded a part of their absolute rights, or natural liberty, for political or civil liberty, which is no other than natural liberty restrained by human laws, so far as is necessary and expedient for the general advantage of the public. The rights of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring and protecting reputation and property, - and, in general, of attaining objects suitable to their condition, without injury to another, are the rights of a citizen; and all men by nature have them".Ex parte. - Frank Knowles, California Reports, Vol. 5, Page 302 (1855Chisholm v. Georgia, Dallas' Supreme Court Reports, Vol. 2, Pages 471, 472 (1793)  Each individual, at least so far as respects his unalienable rights is his own sovereign. These rights weren't given to any government. In fact, they can't be. Perhaps you can give up all of your rights, if you so choose, but who has the power to give your rights up for you? In America, no one can, because we're all equal. In American this principle of popular sovereign is recognized by all governments - state and federal. When the states became independent, the state governments were formed, all of them based on the authority of the people, and not the will of one man or a small body of men. The federal government as we know it today was created in 1789 when the federal constitution went into effect. The constitution mentioned something previously unknown in American law: Citizenship of the United States:The term, citizens of the United States, must be understood to intend those who were citizens of a state, as such, after the Union had commenced, and the several states had assumed their sovereignties. Before this period there was no citizen of the United States...

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciated the quotations from the founding leaders of our country. It is really crucial for this country to look back to our founding principles in order for the government to be truly representative.
